Wells Cathedral

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral, located in the quaint town of Wells in Somerset, UK, is a stunning example of Gothic architecture that has captivated visitors for centuries. With its intricate carvings, soaring arches, and beautiful stained glass windows, the cathedral is a masterpiece of medieval craftsmanship.

One of the most notable features of Wells Cathedral is its famous West Front, which boasts an impressive display of over 300 medieval statues. These sculptures depict scenes from the Bible and portray various saints, kings, and bishops. The cathedral’s interior is just as awe-inspiring, with its majestic nave, intricately carved choir stalls, and impressive Lady Chapel.

In addition to its stunning architecture, Wells Cathedral is also home to a rich history. It was built in the 12th century on the site of an earlier Anglo-Saxon church, and has since been the site of numerous significant events, including the coronation of King Henry IV.

Today, Wells Cathedral continues to draw visitors from all over the world, who come to admire its beauty and soak up its rich history. Whether you’re a history buff or simply appreciate beautiful architecture, Wells Cathedral is not to be missed.

Website Wells Cathedral with opening hours

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

The cloisters at Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

The cloisters at Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells and Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Wells and Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

The Moat of Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

The Moat of Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

nearby Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

nearby Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral

Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral

Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

Almshouse at Wells Cathedral

Almshouse at Wells Cathedral

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