Travel Tips for England


TRAVEL TIP: Behaviour in the pub and restaurant

As cosy and warm welcoming English pubs are, as quickly as you can behave wrongly there. That is not a bad thing and you may not notice it at all, because the proverbial reticence of the English will not even raise the eyebrow here. But it’s more fun when you get it right. We explain how to go the right way.

in the old part of the OLD INN in Widecombe-in-the-Moor

typical pub atmosphere in England

TRAVEL TIP: English food

We are constantly asked what we eat in England – the English food shall be nothing eatable. Honestly, this is pure nonsense! Well, it may have been the case in the 1990s. But today, at least in the south of England, you have to make an effort to find bad food. The menus are consistently very varied and exciting. We thought about giving you some ideas about what to eat here – simply from what we have chosen or from menus from visited restaurants. Add a little food photography – but read for yourself!

The food in southern England is excellent, quite different from its reputation.

The food in southern England is excellent, quite different from its reputation.

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